Transformers Takara Legends LG-22 Skullcruncher

通常価格 $49.99 セール

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可用性: 利用可能 利用できません

製品タイプ: toy

製品ベンダー: Hasbro

製品SKU: T1526

Transformers Takara Legends LG-22 SkullcruncherAccording to the Hasbro Bio, Grax grants his partner the ability of partial invisibility, masking the energy signature of his buddy.Same as with Hardhead, the Takara version of Skullcruncher has a different, more cartoon-accurate headsculpt compared...
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Transformers Takara Legends LG-22 Skullcruncher
According to the Hasbro Bio, Grax grants his partner the ability of partial invisibility, masking the energy signature of his buddy.
Same as with Hardhead, the Takara version of Skullcruncher has a different, more cartoon-accurate headsculpt compared to the Hasbro version.
The Takara version also comes with Batora, a robot/dinosaur drone partner for Skullcruncher.

